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Shizuka knew everything at once.

She kept company with Lord Kiyori over a gap of more than 500 years. When they first met in 1308 in her calendar, she was sixteen and he was fifteen; when they last met in 1311 in her calendar, she was nineteen and he was seventy-nine.

Their last meeting was also right before they both died.



At Mushindo Abbey, Shizuka fled her cell after seeing a ghostly apparition.

Lord Hironobu brought Shizuka to Cloud of Sparrows Castle as his bride later in 1308. Shizuka was puzzled because the American Beauty roses she had seen in a vision had not yet been planted. The return of his daughter to the castle upset her father Go. Go came to kill her soon after, but she told him he would not kill her yet; he left.

Kiyori was one of the members of Okumichi clan to whom she appeared. She told Kiyori he was the only one.


At their last meeting, Shizuka told Kiyori that the turning points of Shigeru's life had been reached. She did not tell him that one of those points was to murder Kiyori that evening. She did tell him that she would die the next morning although not that she was near to giving birth. She also assured him that Genji would live a full and honorable life. During the last meeting, Ayamé told Shizuka that Go was leading an attack on Cloud of Sparrows Castle and that the defenders could not hold out for long. Shizuka gave birth to Sen after she was mortally wounded.

